Friday, October 28, 2011

Starting November 1st

Join the Hairy Revolution!
The time is near!
The men will soon be separated from the boys!

No Shave November

1. Do NOT shave.
2. NO shaving.
3. You do not shave.
4. No trimming, waxing, clipping, whatever you call it. If it changes facial hair, NO.

Can I shave my beard?
Can I trim my beard?
Can I clip my mustache?
Can I trim my mustache?
Can I...
NO! What don't you get??

Come out Tuesday November 1st and get your picture taken!
The ASYC will be in front of the caf-a-brary 9am to 2pm taking sign ups and "before" pictures.
Come with a clean shave men!
Prizes for different categories, motivation to grow on!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Noshember (n.): cool nickname for a cool concept; No Shave November.

Milk may have been a bad choice, but he doesn't regret the beard.

Men, put down your razors.
Ladies, let them keep it weird.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

ASYC Film Night!

Free movie night, kids.
Where: Yuba College Greek Theater (that's the big hill next to the theater/drama building)
When: Friday, October 21 7pm
What: Free showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show under the stars right here in Linda.
What to bring: BLANKETS, lots of them.

The ASYC and ICC will be selling snacks, but you can bring your own if you really want to be that person. You'd be cooler if you brought your friends...

Come out and keep it weird with us!
See YOU there.