Monday, December 5, 2011

This Friday!

Free ASYC Movie Night
Step Brothers!
December 9th
7 pm
Inside the Yuba College Theater
Bring 2 cans of food (per person) to be donated to local food banks,
because we love our community too...

"You yelled 'rape' at the top of your lungs."
"Mom, I honestly thought I was gonna be raped for a second. He had the craziest look in his eyes. And at one point he said, 'Lets get it on.' "
"That was about the fighting. I am so not a raper!"

No Shave November awards and slideshow also!
ICC members will be selling snacks.
There is no food allowed in the actual theater, but the lobby is concession friendly and warm...
Make sure you have a valid parking permit displayed, or buy a daily parking pass, as parking will be enforced.

Boats and hoes!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Perk Up For Finals

Perk Up for Finals!
Free Coffee and #2 pencils!
December 12th and 13th
9am - 2pm
In front of the Cafaberry.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Goodbye Beards!

It was a windy one!!

but No Shave November ended TODAY

Some of you looked like a princess, or a peach, or Princess Peach, however you want to label the lack of hair...

Others of you looked like this manly gorilla...

But in all honesty, most of you just looked like fuzzy college boys.
And that is OK with us.

Thank you to all the participants, regardless!
We now have the facial hair progress documented and will judge for the Best Man.
Your ASYC judging panel cannot be bribed
(but if you want to try, we like pumpkin pie WITH whipped cream)

Happy end of Noshember, fed-up ladies and furry gentlemen!
Winners will be announced December 9th at the ASYC Movie Night
We will also be showing a slide show of the 'before and after' No Shave November photos.
Bring your friends and canned goods, and come have some fun with us!

If you can't make our movie night, shame on you.
But you can come by room 302b the following week to pick up your prizes and see how you did.

Keep it weird, Yuba College!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


No Shave November ends tomorrow.
Come see your friendly ASYC from 10am to 1pm for your 'after' picture!
Prizes for participation, BETTER prizes for best facial hair!

Unable to make it Wednesday?
Come see us in room 302b

Monday, November 28, 2011

No Shave November Ends!

Hey folks!
November 30th (this wednesday)
We'll be out during college hour taking 'after' photos to judge the damage that has been done during this months facial hair fest...
Come check us out, we'll be checking you out!
Stay classy, Yuba College.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Have a great break!
Eat lots of good food, forget about your essays and studying until Sunday...
Then come back to reality and be ready for finals in the next 3 weeks.
Your friendly ASYC will be hosting Perk Up For Finals again.
Stay tuned for more info.
Don't eat anything too weird.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 18, 2011



Don't wait,
you will regret it when you get slapped with a ticket
or the machines stop working and you find yourself without even a daily permit.

$40 for students,
$20 for BOGFW students.

Get it now!

Yosemite Sam has his, and some nice No Shave November facial hair going on...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Motivational Facial Hair 3

Dashing, Mr. Galifinakisakinator-whatever, just dashing.

December 9th Movie Night!!

Admission: FREE A can of food to be donated to local food banks

When: December 9th, 7pm

Where: Inside the Yuba College theater

We’ll have so much more room for activities!

Oh, and we’re showing Step Brothers.

Shut your mouth. Sh-sh-shut your mouth.

No Shave November winners will be announced,

and prizes distributed,

AND slideshow of 'before' and 'after' photos.

Who loves you, Yuba College?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Club Day!

Hey Yuba College,

Come out on November 15th from 11:30am to 1
and support your clubs!
Bake sales,
No Shave November booth,
and Dusty the 49er!

Motivational Facial Hair 2

We <3 this giant.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Monkey Tail

This. Is. Wreched.
I will shave you, personally, if I see this.
More here.


Your ASYC hopes you are keeping heart, men.
We know that growing out your face can be difficult, so here on KYCW we will be posting motivational facial hair.
On Day 8 of No Shave November, I give you Kimbo Slice;
Be strong, grow on!

Noshember Video 1

"It doesn't matter if you can grow a luscious beard, or patchy peach fuzz."
Well said, well said.

Beard on.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Noshember site 1

Go ahead, boys;
See what it takes to be a man.

And ladies,
be cool, stay in school.

Noshember facts 1

Click to enlarge
A Passion For Beards
Grow on, men!

Movie Night

Our next free movie night will be in December, inside the Yuba College theater.
We'll have so much more room for activities!

Details soon!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Office Judging

Your brave ASYC begins...
Blacklight, and motion sensor ghost thing. Impressive, testing, very impressive.
Pumpkin pie, waiting for us on judging day.
Thank you, Personnel, for the delicious bribe.

It was October 31st, and the departments of Yuba College were decorated and spooky.
The ASYC set out to decide who would take the cake.

Financial Aide wowed us with their Snooki...
Counseling had brilliant pumpkin lights...
Testing had student tombstones and ghosts...
Purchasing had a blow up Frankenstein and spiderwebs galore...
Personnel had a tasty sur-bribe waiting for us...

It was a tough call.
Winners will be announced soon!
Thank you for participating, ASYC loves you!

And so it begins.

Thanks to all you manly-men who came by our table today!
We have your 'before' pictures and are looking forward to a harrier tomorrow.

Couldn't make it to our table? Have any friends who think they are man enough to put down the razor for a month?
Come by room 302b and get your Noshember packet and 'before' picture taken.

and as always...
Keep it weird!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Starting November 1st

Join the Hairy Revolution!
The time is near!
The men will soon be separated from the boys!

No Shave November

1. Do NOT shave.
2. NO shaving.
3. You do not shave.
4. No trimming, waxing, clipping, whatever you call it. If it changes facial hair, NO.

Can I shave my beard?
Can I trim my beard?
Can I clip my mustache?
Can I trim my mustache?
Can I...
NO! What don't you get??

Come out Tuesday November 1st and get your picture taken!
The ASYC will be in front of the caf-a-brary 9am to 2pm taking sign ups and "before" pictures.
Come with a clean shave men!
Prizes for different categories, motivation to grow on!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Noshember (n.): cool nickname for a cool concept; No Shave November.

Milk may have been a bad choice, but he doesn't regret the beard.

Men, put down your razors.
Ladies, let them keep it weird.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

ASYC Film Night!

Free movie night, kids.
Where: Yuba College Greek Theater (that's the big hill next to the theater/drama building)
When: Friday, October 21 7pm
What: Free showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show under the stars right here in Linda.
What to bring: BLANKETS, lots of them.

The ASYC and ICC will be selling snacks, but you can bring your own if you really want to be that person. You'd be cooler if you brought your friends...

Come out and keep it weird with us!
See YOU there.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Free Music Monday, on a Tuesday

Hey Yuba College!
Like free music?
Urban Outfitters has some cool tunes; FREE.
Check it out here.
They have Free Music Monday.
I know, it's a Tuesday that we're posting this.
That's us keepin' it weird.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Meet your 2011 ASYC

Miriam Root
Trusty Leader
What was your first job? McDonald's in high school, it was terrible because they didn't have many computers so you had to use a pen and paper and add it up. BECAUSE of that, I learned how to count back change.
Who are you? I am a proud Yuba College employee. I am a wife. I am a student mentor. I am an aunt. I am a parent. I am a great aunt. I am a good role model.

George Cheso

Elisabeth Quick
Vice President
Tell me about yourself: I drive a station wagon, have a dog named David Beckham, and work for an Indian food catering company, so what?
Who would you marry tomorrow? Adrien Brody, hands down.
What do you see in your crystal ball? "Keep Yuba College Weird" T shirts. Yes?

Kelly Monaghan
Activities Director

Yacira Morales
Mariah Tofoya-Perry
Can I make something up about you? (Mariah) "Sure." Then she jumped on the table and started singing Maroon 5's She will be loved.
Tell me about yourself, really. (Mariah) I work at JanYo, and have a beautiful sister whom I love.
(Yacira) I just graduated from high school. I chose Yuba because it made the most sense financially and geographically.
What would you tell sophomore high school you? (Yacira) Don't worry so much about what other people think and focus on the things that are important, not on the things that aren't going to matter in 10 years. Be who you are no matter what anyone else thinks.

Dennis Weber
Who are you? Uhm, I enjoy watching television.
You just got bit by a radioactive child. What would your superpower be, and why? My superpower would be the ability to read other people's minds so I can help them with their problems. Aww Dennis:) Actually, put flying because that would be awesome to be able to fly around. The 'reading people's minds' thing was a little weird. But that's the point of the blog, you know, 'Keep Yuba College Weird'...

We keep it weird.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Let us explain;

People of Yuba College, we come in peace. I understand at first it may seem like someone is making fun of your beloved campus. But no, my fellow Yuba Collegiates. For a few years now, cities across the USA have been using the "Keep _____ Weird" slogan campaign to admit that yea, the city is a little quirky, but they like it that way. Who might these cities be? Austin, Texas; Santa Cruz, California; and Portland, Oregon to list a few. Those are awesome cities. Who doesn't want to move to Santa Cruz?? Exactly. Yuba College, we are quirky. We have so much diversity, in so many different categories, some might say that we were destined for quirkiness. Keep it weird, Yuba College.