Free ASYC Movie Night

Step Brothers!
December 9th
7 pm
Inside the Yuba College Theater
Bring 2 cans of food (per person) to be donated to local food banks,
because we love our community too...
"You yelled 'rape' at the top of your lungs."
"Mom, I honestly thought I was gonna be raped for a second. He had the craziest look in his eyes. And at one point he said, 'Lets get it on.' "
"That was about the fighting. I am so not a raper!"
"That was about the fighting. I am so not a raper!"
No Shave November awards and slideshow also!
ICC members will be selling snacks.
There is no food allowed in the actual theater, but the lobby is concession friendly and warm...
Make sure you have a valid parking permit displayed, or buy a daily parking pass, as parking will be enforced.
Boats and hoes!