Miriam Root
Trusty Leader
What was your first job? McDonald's in high school, it was terrible because they didn't have many computers so you had to use a pen and paper and add it up. BECAUSE of that, I learned how to count back change.
Who are you? I am a proud Yuba College employee. I am a wife. I am a student mentor. I am an aunt. I am a parent. I am a great aunt. I am a good role model.

George Cheso

Elisabeth Quick
Vice President
Tell me about yourself: I drive a station wagon, have a dog named David Beckham, and work for an Indian food catering company, so what?
Who would you marry tomorrow? Adrien Brody, hands down.
What do you see in your crystal ball? "Keep Yuba College Weird" T shirts. Yes?

Kelly Monaghan
Activities Director

Yacira Morales
Mariah Tofoya-Perry
Can I make something up about you? (Mariah) "Sure." Then she jumped on the table and started singing Maroon 5's She will be loved.
Tell me about yourself, really. (Mariah) I work at JanYo, and have a beautiful sister whom I love.
(Yacira) I just graduated from high school. I chose Yuba because it made the most sense financially and geographically.
What would you tell sophomore high school you? (Yacira) Don't worry so much about what other people think and focus on the things that are important, not on the things that aren't going to matter in 10 years. Be who you are no matter what anyone else thinks.

Dennis Weber
Who are you? Uhm, I enjoy watching television.
You just got bit by a radioactive child. What would your superpower be, and why? My superpower would be the ability to read other people's minds so I can help them with their problems. Aww Dennis:) Actually, put flying because that would be awesome to be able to fly around. The 'reading people's minds' thing was a little weird. But that's the point of the blog, you know, 'Keep Yuba College Weird'...

We keep it weird.